I think that when God puts up a road closed sign he simply has an alternative route planned. A better route. What can be hard to accept is that sometimes this alternative route will take longer for us to reach our destinations. We think we are ready for something, however, God disagrees. He leads us down a different route because we are not ready. There are still lessons to be learned. He wants us to grow and be ready for everything that He plans to give us.

Take the next best step. That step is to keep going. Keep learning. Keep growing. He is just better preparing us for the great things He has in store for us. So no matter the hurt. No matter the obstacle.
Know that what is to come is so much more better than what you could had ever imagined. So trust Gods plans and thank Him for giving you a new path!
Dear Heavenly Father, I know that you are guiding me every day and for that, I thank you. You know my future and I rely on Your stength and Your goodness to guide me! When a road closes I can trust that You have an even better alternate route planned. Better than I could had ever imagined. As you guide me, heal me. Heal all my pain and take away of all my doubts. Allow me to take the most away from all obstacles that I face and learn from every lesson. Help me to grow in you Father, God. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.