She is the BEST cat I have ever met. She is the most adorable cat! She doesn't ever scratch or bite me like most cats I have met do. She lets me hold her whenever I want and lets me do what I want to her. She kind of reminds me of my dog Kiya that passed away, maybe that's one of the reasons why I love her so much! Sometimes I carry her around and dance with her in my arms and she just lays there with her head lying over my arm and her just staring at me waiting for me to lay her back down.
Some cats like to sleep a lot and some cats like to play excessively. Fury is the perfect mix of both. She is super adorable, just her sleeping she makes me say awe everytime! Fury is the most cuddly cat i've probably ever owned. This may be why she is my soul mate. Every night when she is ready for bed she will make her way over to me and start cuddling and will lay down on my lap. Then when I am ready for bed she always gives me Good Night cuddles. She sleeps with me in my bed every night. In the mornings she lays as close to my face as possible and wakes me up with good morning cuddles. I'm gonna have to say that all of the cuddles are probably the main reason she is my soul mate.
I can't ever imagine giving her away! She is my soul mate! My cat mate! My fur mate! She will forever have a place in my heart and she isn't even one year old! God has definetly blessed me with this one of a kind cat!
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