Monday, March 28, 2016

don't EVER lose your way!

This weekend reminded me of how far I have came. How much I have done for myself. How much good I have in my life and how blessed I truly am! It reminded me of how much I don't want to go back to the "old" me. I decided to sit down and write myself a letter in case I ever do lose my way. A note to remind me of what is really important in life. 

Everything that I currently have I don't wanna give up. I love doing things for myself and for others. I am more independent and confident than I have ever been. I love how happy I am with my life. 

It can be so easy to lose your way in this life. Sometimes life throws at you too many options, you don't know which is the right way to go or which option to choose. You don't want to make a wrong choice or decision and end up unhappy or regretting it. However we all know too well that it can be very hard to know what choice is the right choice. Luckily we have someone who can guide us into the right direction. This is God. God guides us. God forgives us. God blesses us. God strengthens us. God heals us. God loves us. If you have God in your life you know how much he can do for you. However you have to have faith. 

We all know we must continuously grow and change in this life. If you aren't growing in an aspect of your life you won't end up where you should be. You won't be happy. You will be at a standstill. There are people who tend to halt you from that growth. Sometimes you have to leave those people behind and continue your journey without them. Don't ever let someone hold you back from something!

In my letter to myself I included little reminders. Sometime I use the reminders daily as they can be little things that are easy to forget. 

Number one: Don't ever lose yourself. Don't forget your dreams and goals and don't let anyone hold you back from them. 
Number two: Be patient. Patience is something I am currently mastering. I have a lot of patience, however I don't ever want to lose this. A sense of peace come to one's self and mind when they have patience. 
Number Three: Don't get mad at small things. The small things in the world are what get us. They have their way of building upon one another crushing us. We need to see them as they truly are SMALL THINGS. Why get mad over them, its pointless and causes more halm to oneself. 
Number Four: You don't always have to be right. Sometimes instead of causing a fight its better to just go with the flow of things. Its can be easier too and sometimes even lead to more fun. So don't worry about whether or not you are right. 
Number Five: You don't need to be perfect to be happy. This one is hard for me. I tend to want everything to be perfectly planned out, however that isn't the way things are always meant to be. A lot of times it is simpler, easier, and more enjoyable to just go with the flow of things and not stress about them. 
Number Six: Find joy in the little things. I sometimes look up at the blue sky or the sun and it just brings me an overwhelming amount of joy and peace. You can find these things everywhere you go. From birds sitting on a line to the stars coming out at night. There is beauty everywhere in the world that brings moments of joy. 
Number Seven: Love with all your heart. If you choose to love someone, Love them with all you have. Love them with every piece of your heart. Don't hold back and don't be afraid to let someone in. 
Number Eight: Never stop smiling. Smiles are the best thing anyone can wear. I walk around with a smile on my face constantly because I love my life. Smiling can also be contagious, when you give someone else a smile they will more than likely smile back at you.  
Number Nine: Be Happy. This one is simple and comes from all the other things. Just simply be a cheerful, joyous, smiling individual. Always think positively and never negatively. Don't worry about the little things and live happily. 
Number Ten: Be yourself. This is the best one. It is to be yourself. You aren't anyone if you aren't you. Don't be afraid to be yourself, even if you are a little weird. 

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